Endometriosis and Fibroids
…are caused by the imbalance between too much oestrogen and a deficiency of progesterone. This unopposed oestrogen results in many symptoms of oestrogen dominance including endometriosis and fibroids. Oestrogen switches on the BCL 2 gene which causes the cells to multiply uncontrollably, and if this message is not switched off by Progesterone (Progesterone switches off the BCL2 gene and switches on the P53 gene which gives the cells the right message and matures them), then these cells continue to multiply and go berserk …. hence endometriosis or the formation of a fibroid.
As oestrogen is the problem, it should be avoided. Progesterone in quite high doses over a period of months will help to clear this condition. It is THE most important factor. It is the only antagonist to oestogen, and is the only thing that will stop that message to the cells. If the endometriosis has become too thick on the endometrium, then a scrape will help clear those cells and taking progesterone will stop further cells forming. If the Fibroid is too large, it may have to be surgically removed (but do not agree to a hysterectomy!!)
This condition of oestrogen dominance comes about for a number of reasons
1. the Xeno-oestrogens in the environment …. Mostly petrochemicals found in insecticides, plastics, mineral oil-based creams, household products, oetrogen drugs such as the PILL and HRT, car fumes etc. in fact we now live in a “Sea of oestrogens”
2. You may have been on The Pill or HRT
3. As soon as you start anovulatory cycles (when you stop ovulating, now around the average age of 34), you produce NO progesterone in the cycle to balance the oestrogen … hense a state of unopposed Oestrogen.