HRT Exposed
USA JAMA Reports – Study Gives HRT The Thumbs Down.
July 2002
Major studies are weighing in giving HRT the thumbs down. The consensus amongst the more informed and enlightened of researchers and clinicians is that the only real benefit of HRT is for short term relief of hot flashes ( which is what it was originally approved for). There is little doubt that the widespread trend to use HRT for a range of therapeutic benefits ie heart disease, prevention of fractures, Alzheimer’s Disease etc have all but now faded in to the mists (myths) of junk science. Millions of women have unwittingly participated in this massive experiment. Once again the rush for profits without substantial, proven research has jeopardized the health and, no doubt, the lives of women around the world.
If hot flashes are the problem there are many safe, effective ways to resolve them. I still question the use of HRT which is a made of two known carcinogens. Using such options as natural progesterone cream, wild yam cream, Maca, Vitamin E and C, Also, liver support herbs such as milk thistle, dandelion are also helpful. In addition reduce or cut out the consumption of sugar, caffeine, alcohol, deep fried foods, refined carbohydrates and spicy food… major culprits to hot flashes. Needless to say, reducing stress levels, getting adequate rest and hydrating the body with good quality water are essential
The following study was released on July 2, 2002 in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Noncardiovascular Disease Outcomes During 6.8 Years of Hormone Therapy: Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study Follow-up (HERS II) (Real Audio Player of National Public Radio story)