The horrific statistic on infertility today is that 1 out of 4 couples have fertility problems and 1 out of 7 is infertile.
This however does not mean you cannot improve your chances of falling pregnant and maintaining a healthy pregnancy without having to resort to the “fertility clinic” where you will be given many strong drugs, all of which will have unwanted side effects.
Improving Fertility naturally
What to Avoid When Trying to Conceive:
* Some of the best infertility help I can give you is to quit smoking if you do. It is very dangerous for your health and will greatly diminish your chances of conception. Furthermore, you will most certainly want to stop smoking once you conceive to protect your unborn child.
* This goes doubly so for drugs. If you are using illicit drugs, including marijuana, even if only occasionally, stop now. Marijuana kills brain cells and is very harmful to your health – worse than cigarette smoking – and will greatly hinder your chances of conception and bringing forth a healthy child.
* Alcohol should be stopped as well when the goal is improving fertility. Although some believe it can help you relax and thus conceive more quickly, this has not been proven. It’s better to be safe and find other ways to relax (as explained below).
* Caffeine is believed to reduce fertility. It also is believed to be risky during pregnancy with an increased risk of miscarriage with more than very mild use. Caffeine’s effect on fertility and pregnancy is controversial – some believe it to be harmful in even small quantities and others believe it is fine with moderate use (up to three cups of coffee per day). But why take a chance, especially if you want to conceive quickly and avoid a potential miscarriage?
Caffeine is in chocolate, coffee, tea, and most sodas. Even decaffeinated coffee and tea (black and green) has a small amount of caffeine, so be aware of this when drinking. If you truly want to get pregnant more quickly, you should give up caffeine altogether for a better chance of increasing fertility. If it’s too hard and you have a caffeine addiction, then wean down gradually in order to make it easier on yourself.
GM foods. Glyphosate the active ingredient is causing havoc with fertility in both wlomen and men (low sperm counts)
Signs of infertility
There are many factors that contribute to the signs of infertility. Some of them are…
venereal diseases
genetic abnormalities caused increasingly by environmental poisons
a deficient diet
low sperm counts or abnormal sperm
hormonal imbalances
Progesterone and infertility are linked through The Pill which can result in temporary infertility after having stopped taking it. Hormone imbalances induced by environmental poisons are a major factor in the infertility of many people.
One of the commonest impending signs is low body-fat. It is vital for a woman to keep her body-fat above 20% of her total weight, otherwise she will stop menstruating.
One of the least known but commonest causes of infertility is a lack of progesterone during the second half of the monthly cycle. This is known as a ‘defective luteal phase’.
For pregnancy to occur oestrogen first builds the lining of the uterus, then after ovulation the role of progesterone is to thicken that lining ready for the fertilized egg. Inadequate progesterone reduces fertility.
Research into the causes of infertility has shown that often conception occurs in a fertile woman to be followed by failure of the egg to embed itself in the lining. A lack of progesterone and infertility go hand in glove as this hormone is vital for pregnancy, but if the interval between ovulation and menstruation is too short (less than 12 days) it means that not enough progesterone has been produced. This could result in a miscarriage as early as the next menstruation.
So, you could be fertile whilst showing all the signs of infertility!
The only sign of miscarriage might be a heavier period and/or pain. The reason for this is that the egg takes about 14 days to reach the uterus, and unless the ovaries maintain a high level of progesterone during this time menstruation will occur before the egg is embedded. In these cases the condition is only apparent and is easily corrected.
Another of the signs of infertility is the anovulatory cycle, in which a woman does not ovulate. This has always been common in women from their mid-thirties, but research has found that increasingly younger women are also suffering from these cycles. Too much oestrogen during the luteal phase, particularly the xeno-oestrogens such as DDT, can cause infertility.
Zinc deficiency is another cause. This difficiency can also result in small sex organs and late sexual maturation in men. A high level of zinc is found in the male sex organs and the sperm itself.